Just a little help
Tracts, Inc., would not function without the help of my precious husband, Philip Kelley. He helps me pack, carry and deliver all our packages and shipments, and some of them are quite heavy. I’m so thankful for him.
Tracts, Inc., would not function without the help of my precious husband, Philip Kelley. He helps me pack, carry and deliver all our packages and shipments, and some of them are quite heavy. I’m so thankful for him.
It is because of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ that Tracts, Inc., exists! Praise God, we serve a RISEN SAVIOUR!
Today we remember the life of our founder, my father, Thomas R. Porter, April 15, 1936 – June 15, 2008. While my father was a fill-in pastor, evangelist and host of a gospel radio program on the east coast, by day he served in the military, first in the Navy and then the United States …
Habel Owino and congregation in Kenya sends their thanks for the gospel literature supplied them for their outreach. Bro. Owino and congregation, we are praying for you!
Tracts, Inc., is thankful to be a part of the outreach going on at New Testament Baptist Church, Missionary Tolibas and team, working in the Philippines. Please know we are praying for you. We are thankful for all our ministry partners who donate towards the printing and shipping of the gospel literature they need.
THE TOMB IS EMPTY! Jesus Christ, God the Son, lived among men but never sinned. He came because we needed a Saviour. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, death came upon all men. “For the wages of sin is death (being punished for our sins forever in hell); but the gift …
Tracts, Inc., is praying for Missionary Tolibas and evangelistic team working in the Philippines. We thank the Lord for all our ministry partners who contribute to getting them the literature they need in their outreach. Missionary Tolibas, we look forward to sending you more gospel tracts!
Pastor Frank Denisi and team send their thanks for the gospel tracts printed and shipped to them for their outreach.
Tracts, Inc., is praying for Pastor Frank Denisi and evangelistic team. The COVID restrictions have been lifted, and they are eager to distribute these gospel tracts. We thank the Lord for each person that donated for this effort.
Because of your prayers, we are a stronger and more united Chattanooga.